Black Panther & Storm Heritage “Energy”


Black Panther & Storm Heritage “Energy”

Chidike’s Powers: Chidike is able to psyonically control virtually any form of energy at a sub atomic level. With the world literally swimming in energy, his control has made him the most powerful mutant in his alternate reality. His control over kinetic energy for instance makes it impossible for any aggressor to physically harm him. Projectiles and weapons like bullets, arrows, and knives pose little threat without the kinetic energy needed to cause damage. Muscle strength means little, even in gross excess(like the Hulk for instance), if the user can’t create the initial kinetic energy to move their limbs. Electric, magnetic, thermal, ambient, atomic, and solar energy to name a few, are all his to command at will. At more precise levels, Chidike can even read, manipulate, or even pause the human brain with his ability to control the electric signals within with little more than a thought. It is control like this that puts him firmly in the Omega power level category.With help from his mother Storm, he has fine tuned his powers and control beyond his years.

Product Description

Poster Print size 11×17 Glossy Card Stock

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