The gold that adorns his wrist and clothing are not just for show as it is Abioye’s constant reusable ammunition as he travels from adventure to adventure. Similar to the metal benders of legend, he can instantly mold he gold into any shape or construct he needs. The most noteable difference between the two types of metal is the pure worth of gold in nearly all economies that Abioye travels to. He can either choose to be inconspicuous by hiding his gold and walking among common folk as a peasant, or carefully slice thin pieces off it to live in comfort with all the amenities of a prince.
"From the lush jungle lands of a hidden continent yet to be documented on any known map comes rumors of a powerful young earth bender named Abioye."

Gold Bending

Abioye the Earthbender
Avatar: The Legend of Abioye (ah-bih-OH-yeh).
This a persoan Fan Fiction that takes place one hundred years after the events of The Legend of Korra.
Synopsis : A hundred years have past since Avatar Korra. From the lush jungle lands of a hidden continent yet to be documented on any known map comes rumors of a powerful young earth bender named Abioye.
He lives his life on the run as he is a coveted prize of the ruling Earth bending King that resides over the lands for his unprecedented ability to bend gold. Why run from a life of luxury and riches for all your days you ask? Simple, Abioye dreams of traveling the world and using his gifts to bring fortune to downtrodden lands under oppression from selfish and greedy rulers.
It isn’t long before his abilities become famous among his neighboring lands and he is tested by random lost sailors from a distant water bender tribe and is told that he is the next incarnation of the Avatar. As this amazing news spreads, the King already in hot pursuit of him, decides to spare no expense on a full on country-wide man hunt to capture and own Abioye for himself.
Now equipped with the proper incentive, Abioye happily begins his journey to other unknown lands with a greedy king on his heels.
Abioye and his Zebra Lion, Imari

Abioye and his Zebra Lion, Imari (i-MAHR-ee) are rarely ever seen without one another. Highly protective of the young earth bender, the beast guards over the teen like it would it’s own cub. Unfortunately, due to it’s beautiful coat and persistent poaching, this magnificent creature is one of only a handful left alive.
Legends tell of ancient Zebra Lions bending earth with their mighty roars and powerful paws in their elder years.
Abioye considers Imari a brother and will risk his life to protect him.

Funmilayo the AirBender
Funmilayo is the daughter of a famous farmer who made himself a country-wide hero by single-handedly redirecting a fearsome tornado with his powerful airbending that threatened their village years before she was born. Living in the deep shadow of her father’s legend, it wasn’t long before she began to take notice of the trend from her townsfolk having never ending expectations on her and her abilities as an airbender. When the stress of it all became unbearable, on her 17th birthday she made up her mind to run away to find a new life where no one knew of her history and begin her own path and hopefully create her own legend.
To her dismay however, her father’s legend was so far reaching, she was quickly identified by at least a handful of villagers in virtually every town she attempted to settle in. Funmi began to doubt if she would ever be free of the pressure of her father’s legacy.
Ironically, through her father’s rigorous airbending training exercises over the years, Funmi unexpectedly unlocked a unique style of airbending that focused on massive amounts of crushing pressure. Her skills are tested when she stumbles upon a fleeing Abioye caught in a heated battle with bounty hunters attempting to capture him. She doesn’t hesitate to come to Abioye’s aid using her violent winds and the two become fast friends and comrades.

Balogun the Firebender
Balogun the Firebender-
Balogun has led a volatile life that has hardened and tempered him to the ways of the world. Abducted as a child and separated from his parents by an invading neighboring country, his young years were nearly unbearable. Forced to join a violent firebending gang as a teen, he was trained to be ruthless and cold. His skills as a firebender excelled him quickly through the ranks of the gang and he was soon made to be a influential leader by the time he was 18. Many of the gang members consider his power as a firebender unparalleled due to his unique ability to Plasma bend.
As a right of passage into the high inner circle of the ruthless gang, leaders must hunt down and capture a powerful airbender (a gross tradition spawned from ancient tales of Avatar Aang and Prince Zuko). The captured airbender would usually be imprisoned and tortured for a time until the leaders are satisfied.
With his task firmly set in his mind, Balogun began his hunt by combing village after village observing local fighting rings and processing rumors about all airbenders in the area. As fate would have it, he stumbled on a village that had a tale of legendary airbender who single-handedly redirected a deadly tornado. It was Funmi’s father.
Ballogun quickly located the man, but was sorely disappointed to find that he was a shadow of who he once was. In his current state, old and decrepit, he couldn’t return with such a weak example. Before leaving the town, in a local pub, he overhears rumors of the daughter of the old legend has begun carving her own tales of magnificent airbending with her new pressure bending style. An evil grin crawls across Balogun’s face as he finishes his drink and sets off to find Funmilayo the airbender

Maji the Waterbender
Maji was raise in a waterbending tribe high in the mountains where ice and snow are a mainstay. Generations ago, the ruling Monarchy of the surrounding lands ordered that a waterbending tribe be set in the snow capped mountains to regulate pure water flow to the kingdom’s lands to manage possible drought conditions. Since then, her tribe has known no other home as they are in essence forced to remain in the mountains.
At a very young age, Maji exhibited waterbending skill and control well beyond her years and was quickly deemed a bending prodigy and genius by her tribe leaders. She began transcribing waterbending philosophy at age 8, and was soon the star talent of her tribe. It was on her 11th year that she discovered Steam bending, which was all but unheard of until this point as traditional use only leans towards ice and cold water manipulation. This discovery meant that if taught to other waterbenders in the surrounding areas, new forms of water regulation and purification could be implemented throughout the lands and her people could finally be free of their contract.
With this goal in hand, Maji is sent with a ranking leader from her tribe to negotiate new terms with the residing King. Unfortunately, her hopes were quickly crushed upon her first few minutes of meeting with the King who was terribly self absorbed and greed-ridden. Maji’s pleas fell upon unconcerned ears before being dismissed entirely. Outraged by the encounter, Maji’s emotions flared as she was determined to insert her goal to set her people free, she seared the hands of the king using her steambending. The King, besides himself in utter fury, calls for the destruction of her village and the imprisonment of her entire tribe along with Maji herself! Disgusted with the situation, Maji and her tribesmen narrowly escape the kingdom and must now ready themselves for war with a tyrant.
With the impossible odds stacked against her people, Maji is desperate to find a solution when she randomly comes across a wanted poster sent out by the King himself for the capture of the new Avatar, Abioye. Her mind whirls to concoct a strategy that aligns herself with Abioye to fight off their now common enemy. Her hopes is that she can offer her waterbending knowledge to the Avatar(before he learns it elsewhere) in exchange for his help in defending her people. They set off to hunt down this new avatar with newfound hope.

Ikenna the Combustion bender
Fan Fiction Concept: Avatar: The Legend of Abioye (ah-bih-AW-yeh). Ikenna the Combustion bender-
Ikenna is the son of the royal guards’ highest ranking commander and has been trained from birth to follow in his father’s footsteps. His father has a renowned reputation as one of the most powerful firebenders in any known kingdom as he is also a deadly combustion bender. It was no surprise that Ikenna began his rigorous combustion bending training far earlier than any boy should seeing as how strenuous and draining the style can be on the body of the user. His training paid off however, as he became the youngest combustion bender ever recorded, and was soon enlisted in his father’s regimen. He soon exhibited the ability to cause explosions without having to visibly focus on his targets, but rather mentally envision the area he wished to destroy. Unheard of in any recorded tomes of firebending, this was an ability that surpassed even those of his father. Ikenna’s father couldn’t have been more proud of his son’s achievement.
The biggest issue with his progress and promotion was that Ikenna did not possess the ruthless and callous mentality his father was trying to imbue into him. He was a kind and patient minded young man that enjoyed making loved ones smile and laugh whenever he could. He loved nature and often would steal away to reflect in the meadows and forest surrounding the kingdom. While his father was well aware of his son’s personality, he never wasted an opportunity to force him to display the very opposite and would often assign tasks that dealt with punishing or reprimanding prisoners. He was repeatedly frustrated by failure as his son resonated good in every work assigned to him.
Desperate to see results, his father vowed to brand his son with painful searing reminders each time he failed to adhere to the hardened ways he felt a king’s guard should exude. Before long, Ikenna could no longer show his body in public as he became riddled with scars, a testament to his unwavering pure heart. At his wits end, Ikenna’s father was given the order to lead a group of his finest to capture the Avatar at all cost and saw no better opportunity to force his son to become the man he wanted him to be. He announced publicly that his son would successfully capture the Avatar or die trying. Staring coldly into his son’s eyes, he whispered that he himself would end him if he failed his mission. It was then that Ikenna knew he no longer considered this man as his father.
Equipped with a small regimen of soldiers, Ikenna outwardly gave the impression that he had every intention to set off to capture Abioye and return him to the feet of his father. This was of course a front to effectively escape the oppression of his father and shed his ties with his kingdom for good.

Obi the Mechanic
Obi the Mechanic-
Obi is Abioye’s faithful childhood friend that has tagged along through every adventure presented to them without fail. More often than not, he has required saving on said adventures, however if he were to recount it, he would say that he was the hero on every occasion. A natural born comedian with a wit fast enough to whip up any excuse in the event trouble should arise, he has self proclaimed himself as Abioye’s official manager and handler due to his recent spike in escalating popularity as the worlds’ new Avatar.
A brilliant mechanic by trade, he runs a rather dilapidated auto repair shop in his hometown that is surprisingly successful despite the fact that he”s the only employee. The only human employee that is, as a handful of robots bounce busily throughout his shop handling cumbersome tasks while he focuses on the more complex and specialized happenings. While he’s not a bender himself, Obi has rivaled some of the countries top engineers when it comes to mechanical engineering and leading Bending Sciences with more than a dozen of his own unique inventions. One such invention that he believes could change the world involves using cutting edge experimental methods that extract the spirit energy from the surrounding area of a bender and imbue that essence into small contained storage units for later specified use. Far more efficient than batteries, his invention could power entire cities for months at a time.
A skilled stick fighter that has made his way through a number of local and national competitions, Obi has in fact been successful in backing Abioye up in a handful of scuffs in their younger years (that he won’t ever let Abioye forget). For all his short comings, Obi is completely loyal and dedicated to supporting his friend through thick and thin, fully ready to risk his life to protect Abioye’s.

Meeting Avatar Korra
Meeting Avatar Korra in the Spirit Realm-
On Abioye’s journey, he will find many resources to his bending frustrations, but none will bring more clarity than his first meeting with Avatar Korra. Won’t spoil the full plot, but in her now wiser more patient mindset, she will offer a wealth of advice to aid this young burdened Avatar.

Iya Inaede
Abioye’s mother, Iye Inaede, has been a household name among his tribe for as long as he could remember for her enormous impact on her country as a revolutionary warrior. Most who know her tale would consider the title of Super Hero more fitting than anything else, as her history would define her as nothing less.
Iya was raised by a very wise group of elderly women after her parents were killed in a civil war during her early years. While all were very skilled earthbenders, they made it a priority to pour their social and political wisdom into the young girl as well as their bending prowess throughout the years. Before long, a teenage Iya was secretly rallying resources for her war-torn country through carefully crafted alliances with her surrounding towns and villages. As her strength in earthbending grew, however, it was a very natural next step for her to form covert search and destroy teams to begin pushing back the tyrants pillaging and terrorizing her country.
By her early twenties, with dozens of successful tactical and support missions under her belt, Iya became a shining hero for her country. Among her skilled earthbending warriors was a honorable man named Chibuzo who had loyally followed her into dozens of battles and bled for her cause. To no ones surprise among her followers, the two fell in love and was soon married. It was during this time that Iya stepped down from her active role to nurture her new son, Abioye.
Tragedy quickly interrupted her maternity leave, as her husband, now the spearhead of her task force, was struck down by an ambush during a critical mission. Heartbroken and filled with rage, Iya resumed her leadership role and commandeered a relentless 24 day assault on the enemy forces that crippled them so heavily, they surrendered and fled her country. It was at this point that every citizen of her country could recount the tale of their savior Iya Inaede. Her legend still precedes her even now as her son Abioye has become the new Avatar. She is confident in the many lessons she has shared with her son, and ever ready to don her militant rob should she feel her family or country is in need.

The Avatar’s Journey
Tapping into the Avatar state
Throughout Abioye’s travels, his mother warned that there were powerful benders in other lands, but it never truly sunk in that someone more powerful than his mother could exist. Upon setting foot in a foreign continent, Abioye and crew unwittingly put a spotlight on the fact that they were clearly not from around these parts. Adorned with gold and precious gem stones, it wasn’t long before word spread to the local gang factions that “easy pickings” were strolling around town.
Unbeknownst to the team who were immersed in taking in all of the wonderful local sights and culture, a powerful waterbender known for his murderous bloodbending was the leader of the local gang and was hot on their trail. When he finally located the team, Abioye had already been praised as a hero for saving a cluster of youth from a beach-side landslide. Interrupting his celebration, the waterbender attacked the team abruptly and went strait for the unsuspecting young Avatar.
No stranger to a fight, Abioye slides around the sand and earthbends the surrounding stone landscape to put distance between his team and this attacker. Unfortunately, the waterbender was fully equipped with ammunition from the ocean and made quick work of closing the gap by bloodbending the team to a standstill. Twisting in pain, Abioye’s eyes went white as the Avatar state switched on, sending a shock wave in all directions underfoot. Shocked at the raw power emanating from Abioye, the gang leader lashed out toward the Avatar enraged. Now hovering over the crater he created, Abioye felt every single grain of sand and mineral in the land around him and began to wind up his fist.
Just as his teammates prepared to counter the gang leader’s attack, the Avatar swiftly created a large stone dome around the two, forcing a safety parameter between the danger. Now encased in darkness, the glow of Abioye’s eyes and markings shun brightly as his fist smashed the earth below. This attack was devastating on new levels unseen even by Korra. Abioye recalled his mothers teaching on Carbon and how understanding it was the untapped pinnacle of an earthbender. How it was the true building block of all living creatures and not water. How one day Abioye would be the only bender to master this otherworldly technique as the new Avatar.
His attack caused the individual grains of salt and sand to burst like miniature explosions in every direction. The blast forced the water bender’s cells to shift and expand in wrenching agony. Before the gang member’s body burst, Abioye heard his mother call out to him from the spirit world, snapping him back from the Avatar state. Upon deconstructing the earth barrier, the onlookers were presented with a now vomiting gang leader, tightly curled up in a fetal position crying to himself in pain. Abioye stood onlooking just as bewildered as everyone else.