There’s a ocean of ideas and concepts that are swimming around in my mind at all times, and Patreon is a way to begin giving those ideas legs. As a single father of two, I support myself with my craft full time, ever moving forward to grow as a creative mind. Any support is immensely appreciated. I truly love creating unique concepts and illustration, and I want to share those images with as many folks that appreciate my work as possible. Check it out!

I present the Storm and Black Panther family that could have been! The concept goes like this:
Synopsis- In an alternate timeline where Storm and Black Panther remain married, have children and raise a strong household together, the story of their children’s voyage across space and time to prevent a catastrophic world-altering event from coming to pass unfolds.

In this alternate timeline, Ororo and T’Challa’s continued marriage successfully form a loving bond as they have many fantastic adventures together through the years. Through diligence and careful planning, their home in Wakanda enjoyed many years of peace and prosperity, so much so that the decision to bare children was a very easy one to make. Rejoice and celebration was the response when the news of them expecting twins was shared with the people of Wakanda.
The Twins
Chidike (pronounce chi-DEE-keh) means “The strength of God”, (which is every bit as powerful as I want him to be). However, I don’t want his strength to be measured by traditional comic status quo definitions. Y’know by the “Superman” template and such.

Chidike’s Powers: Chidike is able to psyonically control virtually any form of energy at a sub atomic level. With the world literally swimming in energy, his control has made him the most powerful mutant in his alternate reality. His control over kinetic energy for instance makes it impossible for any aggressor to physically harm him. Projectiles and weapons like bullets, arrows, and knives pose little threat without the kinetic energy needed to cause damage. Muscle strength means little, even in gross excess(like the Hulk for instance), if the user can’t create the initial kinetic energy to move their limbs. Electric, magnetic, thermal, ambient, atomic, and solar energy to name a few, are all his to command at will. At more precise levels, Chidike can even read, manipulate, or even pause the human brain with his ability to control the electric signals within with little more than a thought. It is control like this that puts him firmly in the Omega power level category.With help from his mother Storm, he has fine tuned his powers and control beyond his years.
Aside from his powers, I want Chidike to be a down to earth, fun-loving, compassionate young man that truly follows in the footsteps of his mother Storm. Being raised by such a complex and caring mother, he will no doubt be a shining example for humankind and beyond. In his timeline (alternate earth), The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air is all the rage currently, of which he’s a huge fan of and can be noticed instantly by his attire and overall goofy personality. Rarely serious (something his mother and father would struggle with), one would be hard pressed to see him without a smile on his face.
Folami- (pronounced FOH-lə-mee) [meaning: One who demands respect] Folami is a brilliant scientist, martial artist and inventor who follows firmly in her father’s footsteps personality wise. While she does have a caring heart for her family and friends, the gravity of becoming the successor to the Panther mantle results in her pushing her emotions deep down on a regular basis.

While her twin brother Chidike is among the few that can force her to smile (her mother as well), she puts forth a tough exterior to most in an effort to show that she is worthy to carry the Black Panther moniker.
Being half mutant, Folami has reason to believe she does in fact have some sort of unexplained skills or abilities (these have manifested more than a dozen times in her life so far), but is resistant to explore these possibilities out of spite for her passion of martial arts and weapons training. Considered by many in her homeland a prodigy of hand to hand combat, she takes great pride in besting any opponent through the use of martial art skills. Using her scientific prowess and ingenuity, she discovered a way to even further enhance wearable vibranium by creating a lighter and yet more rigid composite that can repel projectiles (bullets, arrows, etc.) all while still allowing for fluid movement to the wearer.
She strives to make her father proud and will protect her homeland with her life. She often resents (and argues the topic of) her mother’s willingness to involve herself in the affairs of other countries so often.

As the details of this story unfold, I’ll post the images and content via my site, social networks and even more detailed content (character concept sketches, art videos, and exclusive art) through my Patreon page. The actual story will be released via mini-episodes on my Patreon Page as I complete them (My Patreon page:
To keep up with all this fun stuff, search your social network of choice for “Marcusthevisual” (Facebook[search Marcus Williams illustrator], Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, and Pinterest (search Marcus Williams). You can also jump over to my Contacts page for the direct links to my social pages by clicking here. More to come, peace.
Well, it only took like three years to finally get it up, but it’s up! Seriously though, I really don’t think I had the bounty of art that I wanted to see and in turn show the world until now, so it worked out just right. I’ll be updating stuff here and figuring out how to keep a steady flow of these blog post going as I hit conventions throughout the years to come.
For those that have asked about purchasing poster prints and the like, bare with me as I want to select the best option for supplying folks with the highest quality products available. It’s coming, that product link will house some product ASAP! Anywho, that’s all for now, so be safe and keep an eye out for new stuff. Peace.