Avatar: Legend of Abioye


A New Fan fiction piece that features the new incarnation of the legendary avatar.

Product Description

Fan Fiction Concept: Avatar: The Legend of Abioye.
A hundred years have past since Avatar Korra. From the lush jungle lands of a hidden continent yet to be documented on any known map comes rumors of a powerful young earth bender named Abioye.
He lives his life on the run as he is a coveted prize of the ruling Earth bending King that resides over the lands for his unprecedented ability to bend gold. Why run from a life of luxury and riches for all your days you ask? Simple, Abioye dreams of traveling the world and using his gifts to bring fortune to downtrodden lands under oppression from selfish and greedy rulers.
It isn’t long before his abilities become famous among his neighboring lands and he is tested by random lost sailors from a distant water bender tribe and is told that he is the next incarnation of the Avatar. As this amazing news spreads, the King already in hot pursuit of him, decides to spare no expense on a full on country-wide man hunt to capture and own Abioye for himself.
Now equipped with the proper incentive, Abioye happily begins his journey to other unknown lands with a greedy king on his heels. Read more here

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