Avatar: The Legend of Abioye “Iya Inaede”


Abioye’s mother, Iya Inaede the revolutionary.

Product Description

Abioye’s mother, Iye Inaede, has been a household name among his tribe for as long as he could remember for her enormous impact on her country as a revolutionary warrior. Most who know her tale would consider the title of Super Hero more fitting than anything else, as her history would define her as nothing less.

Iya was raised by a very wise group of elderly women after her parents were killed in a civil war during her early years. While all were very skilled earthbenders, they made it a priority to pour their social and political wisdom into the young girl as well as their bending prowess throughout the years. Before long, a teenage Iya was secretly rallying resources for her war-torn country through carefully crafted alliances with her surrounding towns and villages. As her strength in earthbending grew, however, it was a very natural next step for her to form covert search and destroy teams to begin pushing back the tyrants pillaging and terrorizing her country.

By her early twenties, with dozens of successful tactical and support missions under her belt, Iya became a shining hero for her country. Among her skilled earthbending warriors was a honorable man named Chibuzo who had loyally followed her into dozens of battles and bled for her cause. To no ones surprise among her followers, the two fell in love and was soon married. It was during this time that Iya stepped down from her active role to nurture her new son, Abioye.

Tragedy quickly interrupted her maternity leave, as her husband, now the spearhead of her task force, was struck down by an ambush during a critical mission. Heartbroken and filled with rage, Iya resumed her leadership role and commandeered a relentless 24 day assault on the enemy forces that crippled them so heavily, they surrendered and fled her country. It was at this point that every citizen of her country could recount the tale of their savior Iya Inaede. Her legend still precedes her even now as her son Abioye has become the new Avatar. She is confident in the many lessons she has shared with her son, and ever ready to don her militant rob should she feel her family or country is in need. Read more Here.

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