Black Panther/Thundercats Scientific Minds


3rd poster in my fan fiction Black Panther / Thundercats crossover. “Scientific Minds.”
Within the first handful of hours after meeting one another, T’challa and Panthro were cross referencing massive amounts of information regarding their two worlds. Panthro intricately divulges the many mysteries of Third Earth ranging from Mutants, evil spirits, to the Eye of Thundara. T’challa explains the technologically advanced kingdom of Wakanda and the advantages that Vibranium can provide. Before long, the two brilliant minds map out a sophisticated plan of action that would ensure nothing less than victory.
Upon analyzing Thundercat technology, T’challa request that he be allowed to bring a “few” tools from his homeland to the playing field. With Jaga’s help, Black Panther was able to bring some of his most advanced weaponry through the portals. Amazed by the shear brilliance of ingenuity, Panthro had no shortage of questions for the Wakandan king. One crucial part of the plan was bringing back a choice amount of Vibranium. After learning about the Sword of Omens, T’challa wanted to have a closer look at it’s metallic properties. He theorized that if the sword can be analyzed thoroughly enough, he might be able to enhance the weapon in some way using Vibranium. Only time would tell.
As a gesture of good measure, T’challa presented Panthro with a vibranium weave suit to enhance both his durability and survivability for the fight ahead. With his eyebrows raised high, Panthro holds the suit in front of himself and carefully scans the armor from top to bottom. Admittedly, changing of ones’ apparel is something of a new concept for Thundercats, but he is pleasantly surprised by this gift. Panthro glances over to T’challa with hope-filled eyes and a smile that hasn’t graced the face of this desperate warrior for months. Chuckling while he asked, Panthro’s only concern is if the thing would fit as he tossed the armor over his shoulder thanking T’challa.
With all the tools poised and ready to employ (except for the Sword of Omens, as more research is needed), the last element on the chess board was the demon priest, Mumm-Ra the Ever Living. Savage tales and dark chronicles of the villains’ deeds were plenty that night as T’challa took notes. The source of his power and long life were primarily important to the warrior king. If they were to win this fight, they would have to dissect and possibly reverse engineer these factors.

Product Description

Poster Print size 11×17 Glossy Card Stock

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