Black Panther/Thundercats Worthy


4th poster in my fan fiction Black Panther / Thundercats crossover. “Worthy.”
With days invested in the meticulous analysis of the molecular structure within the Sword of Omens, T’challa was met with more questions than answers. Metal (if one could call it such) that behaves more like a living entity, able to expand and contract on demand, all while maintaining a razor sharp edge. At molecular scales, T’challa discovered what could only be described as small stars dancing in harmony, brimming with excessive amounts of energy. Levitation and movement properties on par with anti-gravitation parameters. All this before even focusing on the Eye of Thundera, which behaved as if it was imbued with a very alive soul and mind. A consciousness? Was this a living being? It made far more sense to treat it as such. If the king’s hypothesis was sound, his next few experiments could begin.
Similar to his very own vibranium weave suit, perhaps he can fabricate a topical armor that the sword would “wear” rather than attempting to forge the metals together. Something that would allow the sword all it’s functionalities without encumbering it’s inert energies. If successful, the vibranium could act as a reverse lightning rod and amplify any energy bursting from the sword. If the process fails, the vibranium would indeed further enhance the durability of the weapon, but could potentially entrap all energy living throughout the molecules by way of it’s energy absorbing qualities.
With his advanced tools, Black Panther began his experiment while reflecting on his new enemy, Mumm-Ra. After learning of his adversary’s unique physical disposition, T’challa had a few choice ideas of how to topple a creature that has managed to “live” for over 5 thousand years. Coincidentally, Black Panther was recently crowned King of the Dead by the Panther Goddess Bast, which came with some helpful bits of knowledge and timeless wisdom on topics such as death. Questions initially arose in the warrior king’s mind as to why Lion-O had been so successful at thwarting Mumm-Ra with the Sword of Omens. With his knowledge of the death realm combined with his newfound research of the sword, T’challa was crafting a powerful Ace up his sleeve.
Successfully crafting the vibranium components needed, The last test was whether or not the sword would deem the Panther worthy of wielding it. Jaga spoke specifically of the sword’s fickle nature and unwillingness to except a new master, but he hoped the sword would sense the dire times and be lenient. Familiar with the process of being judged as worthy by Bast, T’challa held his head high and stared into the Eye of Thundera as he reached out to grab the hilt of the sword. With a stark vibration of magnetic-like attraction, the Sword of Omens all but jumped into the Panther King’s hand. It was done. Jaga and Bast nodded in approval and faded from T’challa’s mind. Now, with his experimental weapon in hand, Panthro was up for some new weapon fitting. More to come.

Product Description

Print Size: 11 x 17

Paper quality: 12 pt. Blazer Gloss Cover, Full Color

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