Black Panther/Thundercats The King Arrives


2nd poster in my fan fiction Black Panther / Thundercats crossover. “The King Arrives.”
The swirling portal that Jaga had opened just moments earlier was now gently nudging T’challa outward into a hazy image of what seemed to be a scientific lab of sorts. As the two come through, the panther king’s vision vibrates into a fine focus and he slowly begins to take his first scan of the chilled environment. Before he could effectively analyze the intricate gadgets and monitors sprawled throughout the lab, a low growl echoes off the walls and demands the attention of the king’s gaze. A ridged, mountain of muscle stood battle ready and taught with a firm grip on a pair of nunchucks. T’challa calmly stands still and sizes up the blue skinned sentry. A raspy voice blares forward announcing that he was in fact Panthro of the Thundercats and beseeches that the he be given an explanation as how is it possible that someone has so easily bypassed the Cats Lair defenses.
Before T’challa could answer, he hears the voice of Jaga resonate deeply in his mind. Making in it known to T’challa that Panthro can not see nor hear him in his spirit form, Jaga insures that Panthro’s intentions are pure and that he is a friend. Jaga gives T’challa the words that will ensure Panthro’s understanding of the truth regarding his sudden arrival. Nervously, Panthro slowly lowers his guard after hearing Black Panther’s explanation of how he has come to arrive in this realm so abruptly. He would go on to describe the dire state of affairs that has befallen his comrades and how he alone is all that stands between the dark reign of a villain priest named Mumm-Ra. Panthro continued to paint the picture of the age old war between this evil entity. How the demon has finally created a scheme to successfully trap the members of his team in a form of perpetual stasis one by one. It was only by his technological prowess that he has managed to avoid capture, but without help, there was little hope of rescuing the others.
T’challa listened attentively to every detail presented while slowly stroking his chin. When all the parameters were given, the king in turn explained who he was and the skills he possesses. He reassured Panthro that he would indeed help rescue his friends, but would need time to formulate a solid stratagem to ensure their success. He needed more information on this Mumm-Ra character and the details of this new planet. In that moment, T’challa heard the familiar rumbling growl of the panther goddess herself, Bast, rushing up his spine like vibrations of soft drums to the edges of his mind. The mighty panther goddess expressed her concern for the king, and how it was unwise to venture into a realm so saturated with evil spirits. She assured T’challa that her protection would indeed remain with him, but that he’s playing a dangerous game with his life.
Jaga instantly appears in the confines of T’challa’s mind and introduces himself to Bast and ensures that he will keep careful watch over her panther champion. Bast quietly nods to Jaga but gently squints her eyes as her jaws open slightly with each growl. She explains that she finds his assurance empty seeing as he couldn’t protect his own champions. She will protect her young king, as warding off evil spirits is apart of her primary blessings. Jaga stares stoically but nods in agreement. Bast turns her piercing gaze to T’challa. She warns that the evil here is unique and is thoroughly supported by multiple sources. One misstep, and he can forever be lost in this new land. T’challa kneels respectively and lowers his head in servitude as he bows and thanks the goddess for her wisdom.

Product Description

Poster Print size 11×17 Glossy Card Stock

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