Boondock’s Adult Cindy McPherson


The Boondock’s Cindy McPherson in her early 20’s.


Product Description

Digital piece featuring The Boondock’s Cindy McPhearson in her early 20’s.
Despite her rocky elementary years, where she struggled with multiple assault cases, Cindy found some respite in her high school years as the more than capable captain of the girls basketball team. She became the talk of the town with her amazing reputation on the court spreading far and wide locally and online. Though her future seemed bright, it wasn’t long until her dark side reared it’s ugly head and she began doing whatever she had to do to win her Senior games. After being exposed for her cut throat methods by game officials, Cindy was expelled with only months before she would graduate. With no second chance at a basketball career in sight, this sent her down an even darker path to create her own rules and never be the loser on any playing field.
With her ears close to the lyrics of the most popular hip hop thugs of her day on the airways and classic gangster movies to guide her inner mob boss mentality, Cindy carved into existence a successful street persona that had little competition in the predominantly Caucasian population of Woodcrest Maryland. All things considered, she’s managed to amass a small fortune in a very short amount of time and has placed numerous local businesses under her thumb. More to come. Peace ya’ll.